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"Internationa Female Emerging Artist" GOLD (2024)
Cheryl Nye - (GOLD) "International Female Emerging Artist" 2024

NEWS : Winner Of The International Singer-Songwriter's Assoc. (ISSA)  "International Female Emerging Artist" (GOLD)..... Also Nominated/Finalist for "International Female Songwriter Of The Year" and "International Female Vocalist Of The Year". August 24th, 2024. ISSA Red Carpet Award Show held in Atlanta, GA (USA)

#1 Song Of The Week "The Way I Need To Be Loved By You" SCR Radio (Nashville,USA)

September 23rd, 2024

 #1 Song Of The Week "No Stranger To My Heart" SCR-Radio (Nashville,USA)

August 26th, 2024.

 #1 Song Of The Week "The Way I Need To Be Loved By You" SCR-Radio (Nashville, USA)

July 15th, 2024

(To Listen/Buy music please click photos below)

I Surrender To My HeartCheryl Nye
00:00 / 04:55

Listen to sample: All songs written and sung by Singer-Songwriter Cheryl Nye xo

  #1 Song Of The Week "No Stranger To My Heart" SCR-Radio (Nashville, USA)

June 4th, 2024.

 #1 Song Of The Week "No Stranger To My Heart" SCR Radio (Nashville, USA)

April 15th, 2024

#1 Song Of The Week "No Stranger To My Heart" SCR Radio (Nashville USA)

February 12, 2024.


#1 Song Of the Week "No Stranger To My Heart" SCR Radio (Nashville, USA)

January 22nd, 2024.

#1 Song Of The Week "Eyes Of A Stranger"  SCR Radio ( Nashville, USA)

June 26th, 2023.

#1 Song Of The Week "Eyes Of A Stranger" SCR Radio (Nashville, USA)

May 20th 2023.

#1 Song of The Week "Eyes Of A Stranger"-SCR Radio (Nashville, USA)

September 24th, 2022

#1 Song of The Week "Eyes Of A Stranger"-SCR Radio ( Nashville, USA)

August 13, 2022.

#1 Song of The Week "Eyes Of A Stranger"-SCR Radio (Nashville, USA) June 25th, 2022.

Internation Female Vocalist Of The Year 2023 (ISSA)

Winner of the ISSA (International Singer-Songwriters Asociation) International  Female Vocalist Of The Year" (bronze)  2023. August 5th, 2023 (Atlanta, GA, USA) Also nominated for "International Female Songwriter Of The Year" 2023.

#1 Song of The Week "Eyes Of A Stranger"-SCR Radio (Nashville, USA)

April 11 and April 16th, 2022.

 #1 Song Of The Week "Eyes Of A Stranger"-SCR Radio (Nashville, USA)

February 27th, 2022.

#1 Song Of The Week "I Surrender To My Heart"-SCR Radio (Nashville, USA)  February 5th, 2022. 

International  Female Vocalist Of The Year- Silver 2022

 Winner of The ISSA International "Female Vocalist Of The Year" (silver) (August, 2022) Atlanta, GA (USA). Also nominated for International "Female Songwriter Of The Year " 2022-ISSA.

 #1 Song of The Week "I Surrender to My Heart"-SCR Radio (Nashville, USA)

January 15th, 2022

  #1 Song of The Week "I Surrender To My Heart"-SCR Radio (Nashville, USA)

January 1st, 2022

 #1 Song of The Week "I Surrender To My Heart" -SCR Radio (Nashville, USA)

December 18th, 2021

 #1 song "Eyes of A  Stranger"- Indie Star Radio  Network (Los Angeles, USA)

January 25, 2018 

 International Pop Artist Of The Month (3rd) -International Singer-Songwriter's Assoc./ ISSA (Atlanta,GA/USA) December. 1, 2021 and July 1st, 2023.

International Female Vocalist of the Year 2022

Winner of the ISSA International “Female Vocalist Of The Year”- 2020 (bronze)

Also nominated for “Female Songwriter Of The Year”, "Female Rising Star", 

and “Video Of The Year" 2020. (Atlanta, Georgia, USA) at the Red Carpet Gala in Atlanta, Georgia.

 #1 song "I Surrender To My Heart"- Monie's New Music Radio (USA/UK).

Week of September 10, 2018 

Chosen as "Featured Artist of The Month" (February 1st, 2022) by ISSA- International Singer-Songwriter's Assoc. (Atlanta, GA/USA) from amongst 15,000 artists .

 #1 songs -Hamilton Radio (NJ, USA) on VIP Channel "Breakfast With The Indies"

"I Surrender To My Heart, Eyes Of A Stranger, Take Me Through The Night May 14th, 2017

 #1 Song of The Year  "Eyes Of A Stranger"-Loop Radio(U.K.)

December 28th, 2015

 #1 song "I Surrender To My Heart-Hamilton Radio (NJ, USA)

June 23rd, 2016

 #1 song "Eyes Of A Stranger" VRadio Nashville

Top 40 

April 5th, 2016

International Female Songwriter Of The Year-bronze 2019 (ISSA)

Winner of the ISSA International "Female Songwriter Of The Year" award -2019 (bronze)

Also nominated for "Best Female Vocalist Of The Year ", and "Female Rising Star".

Red Carpet Gala Atlanta, Georgia (USA)(Aug. 3rd, 2019)

 #1 Album/Artist for almost 7 years on the Montreal Reverbnation Charts for Pop/Other Category

2012- Jan.2018

 #1 song "I Surrender To My Heart" Radio VGR

May 23,2016

#1 song "Eyes Of A Stranger". The Ray Powers Hour -Top 10.

April 14th, 2016

#1 song "I Surrender To My Heart" -Fame Music Radio-Top 10 (L.A./S.A.)

April 4th, 2016

Lansdowne Park, Ottawa (CANADA)

Winner of The Akademia Music Award for Best Pop/Ballad Song "Eyes Of A Stranger" -(Beverly Hills, California USA)

February 2015

Winner of The Akademia Music Award for Best Pop/Ballad Song "I Surrender To My Heart" (Beverly Hills, California, USA) February ,2016

 #1 song "I Surrender To My Heart"

-Fame Music RadioTop 10

(Los Angeles/South Africa.)

April 11h, 2016

 #1 song "I Surrender To My Heart"-Fame Music Radio-Top 10 (Los Angeles/South Africa)

April 25th, 2016

#1 song "I Surrender To My Heart" Fame Music Radio (Los Angeles./South Africa)

April 18th, 2016

 #1 Song Of The Week (Loop Radio, U.K.)

-April 27th,2014,

- May 11th, 2014,

- May 25th, 2014.



Winner of The Akademia Music Award for

Best Pop Song "Take Me Through The Night"

February 15th, 2017

I'm very honoured to have a Billboard promotion on Times Square in New York, NY (USA). It's located on the US Polo Association Billboard. 

Billboard Photo Credit: Paul Laflamme (

Ad Designer: Lee Chang

Thank you to Ray Powers ("The Ray Powers Hour" / Program Director of / and artist:, for capturing the "live" video of the billboard for me off the street.

Cheryl Nye Online Store
Traduction Française

....Cheryl is one artist you will not soon forget.Her music borders on symphonic but rests in the realm of Pop. With the voice of an angel, Cheryl has the gift of touching you with her lyric and melody on some amazing songs. She has written in English, Spanish & French and sounds like she was born to them.....I have found in following her career that she is one of those artists that gets adopted wherever she performs. She has worked in venues, festivals, and concert halls in the States and Canada; receives airplay worldwide, and even sung at sporting events....She is a stage performer, radio artist and model....I would venture to say that Cheryl Nye is a renaissance woman of the first order and it is an honor to have her as a guest on the show.


Douglas Dickens : On Air Personality/Host "Mixposure" (USA)

This Canadian bombshell has just about done it all...her resume reads like a who's Who..but in deference to all those kudos there is one thing that stands out above the rest,her creativity and expertise in writing, composing, and performing 200 of her countless original songs over the past decade.Accolades have poured in from many sources that have ranked her at the top on various playlists.


Review By Michael McKenna

Steel Notes Magazine, USA (2015)

This song has James Bond written all over it. Get it to Eon Productions. It belongs in one of their movies. (RE: "Eyes Of A Stranger")


The ICEMAN (2014)

Host/DJ: Best Country Radio

"Top 40 Country Artist Countdown Show

...The emotional experiences and instrumentation are beyond words, they can be described as heavenly, haunting, melodic,and very soothing....


Tina Wilson

Global Entertainment Magazine


Winner of the “Brick Chick Musician Of The Year” 2020,with a fan vote "landslide" victory at the “2020 Lego Indie Music Awards” held by Cowboy Joe Radio (Wyoming, USA). 


Cheryl Nye is a Montreal born and raised Singer-Songwriter with Canadian & American citizenship. Her roots go back over 215 years in Montreal.She has her Degree in Music (B.F.A.) (Voice & Piano). Cheryl has sung on many T.V. shows, and has been interviewed on numerous radio shows, as well as being a guest co-host for international internet radio shows. She has sung on many shows in Las Vegas, including “Sam’s Town Live” (of Sam’s Town NASCAR racing fame). She has performed throughout Upstate New York, and Montreal. She has 3 C.D.’ s currently on the market entitled "I Surrender To My Hear" (Hommage To The James Bond Films(007) With Original Songs by Singer-Songwriter Cheryl Nye),“Eyes Of A Stranger” & “With Goodbyes.”  

Recent Accomplishments include:

#1 Song Of The Week "The Way I Need To Be Loved By You"-SCR Radio (Nashville, USA) July 15th, 2024.

Won"International Female Vocalist Of The Year" (ISSA-bronze). August 5th, 2023.

Won "Pop Artist Of The Month"(ISSA) 3rd place. August 31st, 2023.

#1 Song of the Week "Eyes Of A Stranger"-SCR Radio (Nashville, USA)

June 25th, 2023.

#1 Song Of The Week "Eyes Of A Stranger"-SCR Radio (Nashville, USA)

May 20th, 2023.

 Won International Singer-Songwriters Assoc.(ISSA) International "Female Vocalist of The Year"(Silver).August 6th, 2022 (Atlanta, GA)

#1 Song Of The Week "Eyes Of A Stranger"-SCR Radio (Nashville,USA) September 24th, 2022

#1 Song Of The Week "Eyes Of A Stranger"-SCR Radio (Nashville, USA) August 13, 2022.

#1 Song of The Week "Eyes Of A Stranger"-SCR Radio (Nashville, USA) June 25th, 2022.

#1 Song of The Week "Eyes Of A Stranger"-SCR Radio (Nashville, USA) (April 16th, 2022)

#1 Song of The Week "Eyes Of A Stranger"-SCR Radio (Nashville, USA) (April 11, 2022).

#1 Song of The Week "Eyes Of A Stranger"-SCR Radio (Nashville, USA) (Feb.27th, 2022)

#1 Song Of The Week" "I Surrender To My Heart"-SCR Radio (Nashville, USA) (Feb.5th, 2022)

"Featured Artist of The Month" International Singer-Songwriter's Assoc. (ISSA) (Atlanta,GA/USA) (Feb 1, 2022).

#1 Song Of The Week "I Surrender To My Heart"-Southern Country Radio -Nashville,USA ( Feb.1st, 2022),

 #1 Song Of The Week "I Surrender To My Heart"-Southern Country Radio,Nashville,TN (Jan.15th, 2022)

#1 Song Of The Week "I Surrender To My Heart" -Southern Country Radio -Nashville, TN (Jan.1st, 2022).

#1 Song Of The Week "I Surrender To My Heart"-Southern Country Radio, Nashville,TN (Dec.18th, 2021)

-Won International Singer-Songwriter's Assoc. (ISSA) "Female Vocalist Of The Year" 2020- bronze. (Aug.2020) Atlanta, Georgia.

-Won International Singer-Songwriters Assoc.(ISSA) "Songwriter Of The Year" 2019-bronze (Red Carpet Gala, Atlanta, Georgia, USA) (Aug. 3rd, 2019).

-"Brick Chick Musician of The Year" -2020 Lego Indie Music Awards. (Cowboy Joe Radio /Wyoming,USA).

-(ISSA) "International Best Pop Artist" June 2021-3rd place

-(ISSA) "International Best Pop Artist"  Nov. 2019 -3rd place

#1 song “I Surrender To My Heart”-Monie’s New Music Radio(USA) 

(Week of Sept 10, 2018)

#1 song “Eyes Of A Stranger”- Indie Star Radio Network (Los Angeles, USA) (Jan.25th, 2018)

Won "Artist Of The Year 2017" New Visions Radio Network (New York,USA) (Jan.15, 2018) 
"Spotlight Artist Of The Year" New Visions Radio Network (New York, USA) (Dec. 5,2017) 
"#3 Most Requested Song Of 2017" on "Voice Across The Air"(All Request Show). (Dec.28, 2017). 
#1 song on "Indie Star Nation Top 21 Countdown".(L.A.) (Jan.25, 2018) 

#2 song on "Indie Star Nation Top 21 Countdown" (L.A.) (Jan.14, 2018).

Winner of The Akademia Music Award for Best Song in Category Pop/Ballad for her song that she wrote and performed entitled"Take Me Through The Night" (Feb, 15th, 2017).

Winner Of The Akademia Music Award for Best Pop/Ballad song for her song she wrote and performed entitled "I Surrender To My Heart" (February 2016). (Beverly Hills, California)

Winner of The Akademia Music Award for Best Pop/Acoustic Song for the song she wrote and performed entitled “Eyes Of A Stranger” (Feb.15th, 2015).(Beverly Hills, California


#1 songs (Hamilton Radio, NJ, USA) on VIP Channel "Breakfast With The Indies: "I Surrender To My Heart, Eyes Of A Stranger, Take Me Through The Night (May 14th, 2017)

#1 song "I Surrender To My Heart"- Fame Music Radio Top 10 (April 25th, 2016)

#1 song "I Surrender To My Heart" -Fame Music Radio Top 10 (April 18th, 2016)

#1 song "Eyes Of A Stranger" The Ray Powers Hour- Top 10 (April 14th, 2016).

#1 song "I Surrender To My Heart" -Fame Music Radio Top 10 (April 11,2016)

#1 song "I Surrender To My Heart" Fame Music Radio Top 10 (April 4th, 2016)

#1 song "Eyes Of A Stranger" VRADIO NASHVILLE Top 40 Countdown (April 5th, 2016)

#1 Song Of The Year (Loop Radio, U.K.) (Dec.28th, 2014) “Eyes Of A Stranger”(tied)

#1 Album/Artist “Eyes Of A Stranger” for almost 3 years on the Montreal “Reverbnation” Charts for “Pop/Other” Category. (2012-2014).

#1 Song Of The Week (Loop Radio, UK) (April 27thh, 2014) “Eyes Of A Stranger”

#1 Song Of The Week (Loop Radio, UK) (May 11th, 2014) “Eyes Of A Stranger”

#1 Song Of The Week (Loop Radio, UK) (May 25thth, 2014) “Eyes Of A Stranger”

“Artist Of The Week” (Loop Radio (UK) (June, 2014)

“Artist Of The Month” (Loop Radio, UK) (July 2014)

“Featured Artist Of the Month” (SplashRadio, England,Dec. 2012)

#1 Album for 3 weeks WRVU-Nashville (Host Ken Berryhill) 2001

#2 Most Requested Song of The Week on Fame Music Radio (Johannesburg, South, Africa/L.A.) (Week of January 17th 2015 & February 12th, 2015 )

#3 Most Requested Song Of The Year on "Voice Across The Air" (All Request Show) (2017) for "Take Me Through The Night."

Top 10 song in “Latin” Category (Ourstage /USA Contest)) for her song “La Manera En Que Necesito Que Me Ames”.#4 in “Instrumental” Category ( Ourstage/ USA contest) for her song “Ode To A Heart”. (2008) Cheryl has sung the National Anthems for the Montreal Expos (7 times), The Montreal Canadiens, The Montreal Impact (2 home openers), The Toronto BlueJays, Ottawa RoughRiders, Jazz De Montreal.

She has also been an International songwriting judge for SOWI (Songwriters of Wisconsin International) for 15 years.

Cheryl Nye is listed in the:

-International “Who’s Who In Music -Volume 2: Popular Music” (1999-2017)-----“World Who’s Who Of Women” (2012)

-2,000 Most Accomplished Musicians Of The 20th Century (2004)

-The Blue Book (Cambridge, England)- (Found in the Washington  D.C. Library Of Congress) -


Night photo of Times Square, New York, N.Y. (USA) (ABOVE)

Photo Credit: George Anhang

Counsel at Shearman & Sterling LLP

Times Square, NY (USA)

Times Square photo taken by Ray Powers of "Dare To Be Better with Ray & Syd" (2021).

Night photo of Times Square, New York, NY (USA) Photo taken through Earthcam Oct. 2020.

EARTHCAM photo (Feb.29,2020) (BELOW)

"Awesome (x 1,000,000) song!" 

Re: "Eyes Of A Stranger"

Host/DJ: Ray Powers: "The Ray Powers Hour" New Visions Radio Network. (New York, USA) (Oct.2017).


NEW VIDEO!  Nominated for"Video Of The Year" for 2020 and 2021 by The International Singer-Songwriter's Assoc.ISSA(USA)Video of C.D."I Surrender To My Heart" Hommage to The James Bond Films(007) with original songs by Singer-Songwriter Cheryl Nye
(You can see more videos below)

I Surrender To My Heart (Written & Sung By Singer-Songwriter Cheryl Nye)

I Surrender To My Heart (Written & Sung By Singer-Songwriter Cheryl Nye)

Play Video
Cheryl Nye
I Surrender To My Heart (Written & Sung By Singer-Songwriter Cheryl Nye)

I Surrender To My Heart (Written & Sung By Singer-Songwriter Cheryl Nye)

WORLD PREMIERE RELEASE -January 12th, 2020: I’d love to share with you my very first professional “Music Video”. I’m performing my song that I wrote -Words & Music, entitled “I Surrender To My Heart”. -A Hommage To The James Bond Films With Original Songs Written By Singer-Songwriter Cheryl Nye -myself-. The song is off my last C.D. also entitled “I Surrender To My Heart”. I was very honoured to have my song reach #1 on the radio charts 8 times. …….This video was filmed many months ago at the Iconic Montreal Biosphere on a beautiful sunny day - way up high on the windy, and my piano scenes were filmed at “Planet Studios” in Montreal. The video was filmed, created, and edited by the very artistic and talented Gleb Galkin, owner of LAVCINEMA. The aerial/drone scenes, digital SFX, and editing were done by the very artistic and talented Rick of LAVCINEMA. My beautiful and charming assistant/confidante was my sister, Kathy Nye. My “piano dress” and purple dress were ones that my Mom had created/designed for me. xo …I booked this location as I always found it to be such a unique and architecturally fascinating place. It was always my favorite structure in Montreal. Thank you for watching! It’s appreciated so much! I’d be so honoured and so happy if you would consider giving me a “Thumbs Up” on my video. It would mean a lot to me. Thank you so much! xoxoxoxoxox Have a beautiful and inspiring week ahead everyone!! xoxo (You can find my music on these links below) Other Accomplishments include: Seen on two different billboards on Times Square (New York) USA.(2019-ongoing) Won "International Female Vocalist Of the Year"-bronze (ISSA/USA) 2023. Also nominated for "International Female Songwriter Of The Year" (2023). Won "International Female Vocalist Of The Year"-Silver (ISSA/USA)) Won "International Female Songwriter Of The Year"-bronze (August. 3rd, 2019) Also nominated for ISSA "Best Vocalist Of The Year (2019), and "Female Rising Star" (Aug. 2019) Won "Artist Of The Year 2017" New Visions Radio Network (New York,USA) (Jan.15, 2018) "Spotlight Artist Of The Year" New Visions Radio Network (New York, USA) (Dec 2017) #1 Song Indie Star Radio Network (Jan.25, 2018) "Eyes Of A Stranger" #1 Song Of The Week "The Way I Need To Be Loved By You" SCR Nashville, (USA) (Sept.18,2023) #1 Song Of The Week "Eyes Of A Stranger"-SCR- Nashville (USA) (June 26,2023) #1 Song Of The Week "Eyes Of A Stranger"-SCR- Nashville (USA) (May 20,2023) #1 songs (Hamilton Radio, NJ, USA) on VIP Channel "Breakfast With The Indies: "I Surrender To My Heart, Eyes Of A Stranger, Take Me Through The Night (May 14th, 2017) #1 song "I Surrender To My Heart" Hamilton Radio (June 23rd, 2016) #1 song "I Surrender To My Heart"- Fame Music Radio (VGR/UK) (May 23, 2016) #1 song “I Surrender To My Heart”-Fame Music Radio Top 10 (April 25th, 2016) #1 song “I Surrender To My Heart”- Radio Indie Alliance Top 10 (April 18th, 2016) #1 song “Eyes Of A Stranger” -The Ray Powers Hour Top 10 (April 14th,2016). #1 song “I Surrender To My Heart” -Radio Indie Alliance Top 10 ( April 11th, 2016) #1 song “I Surrender To My Heart” Radio Indie Alliance (Week of April 4thth, 2016) #1 song “Eyes Of A Stranger” VRadio Nashville/IndieRock Nashville –Top 40 countdown (April 5th, 2016) -Winner of the Akademia Music Award for Best Pop Song (February, 2017) (Beverly Hills, USA) for the song I wrote "Take Me Through The Night". -Winner of The Akademia Music Award For Best Song Pop/Ballad (February 2016) for the song I wrote and sang off my newest album entitled “I Surrender To My Heart” -Winner of The Akademia Music Award for Best Pop/Acoustic Song. (February 2015) (Beverly Hills, California) for the song I wrote and sang entitled “Eyes Of A Stranger”. #1 Song Of The Year (Loop Radio, U.K.) (Dec.28th, 2014) “Eyes Of A Stranger”(tied) #1 Album/Artist “Eyes Of A Stranger” on “Reverbnation” Charts for “Pop/Other” Category. (2012-2022). #1 Song Of The Week (Loop Radio, UK) (April 27thh, 2014) “Eyes Of A Stranger” #1 Song Of The Week (Loop Radio, UK) (May 11th, 2014) “Eyes Of A Stranger” #1 Song Of The Week (Loop Radio, UK) (May 25thth, 2014) “Eyes Of A Stranger” “Artist Of The Week” (Loop Radio (UK) (June, 2014) “Artist Of The Month” (Loop Radio, UK) (July 2014) “Featured Artist Of the Month” (SplashRadio, London, England) (Dec. 2012) Top 10 song in “Latin” Category (Ourstage /USA Contest)) for her song “La Manera En Que Necesito Que Me Ames”. #4 in “Instrumental” Category ( Ourstage/ USA contest) for her song “Ode To A Heart”. (2008)
"Images Of Montreal"  (By Singer-Songwriter Cheryl Nye).m4v

"Images Of Montreal" (By Singer-Songwriter Cheryl Nye).m4v

"Eyes Of A Stranger" is a song written by myself,Singer-Songwriter, Cheryl Nye. This is Track # 8 off my new C.D.entitled "Eyes Of A Stranger".(available at ) The Photos I took from Oct.23-Nov.13th, 2011) I created the video. List of Photos: 1) Clock Tower (Old Port) LaRonde in Background) 2) BioDome (Old USA Pavillion) 3) View from Ile St. Héléne bike path 4) View from Ile st. Héléne bike path 5) BioDome (Old USA Pavillion) 6) Habitat '67 7) Fountain beside Montreal Court House 8) Notre Dame Basilica (w/ Paul de Chomedey (Sieur de Maisoneuve) 9) Mt Royal Cemetery 10) Notre-Dame-de-Bon-Secours Chapel (Sailor's Church) 11) Montreal City Hall 12) Notre Dame Basilica 13) Mcgill College Ave. 14) Notre Dame Basilica 15) Notre Dame Basilica 16) Old Port 17) Old Port w/ Bonsecours Market (silver top) 18) Bank of Montreal 19) St. Joseph's Oratory 20) Corner Peel/Réné Levesques 21) Ile St. Héléne bike path 22) Old Port Sign 23) Jacques Cartier Bridge 24) Daniel McAllister (2nd oldest preserved oceangoing tug in the world) 25) Montreal Marina 26) Molson Breweries 27) Victoria Bridge 28) Five Roses Building 29) Stewart Museum 30) Ile Ste. Héléne 31) St.Lawrence Seaway (from Mt Royal lookout) 32) Tour De Lévis /Lévis Tower 33) Habitat '67 34) Montreal Casino 35) Parc Jean Drapeau (originally Expo '67 grounds) 36) Aldred Building 37) Bank Of Commerce (Peel/Réné Levesques) 38) Mt. Royal Cemetery 39) Place D'Armes 40) Rue de la Commune 41) Rue de la Commune 42) Tour De Lévis 43) Auberge-Restaurant 44) Notre Dame de Bon Sécours Chapel (Sailor's Church) 45) Jean Drapeau Statue (Ex Montreal Mayor) 46) City from Mt Royal Chalet 47) Cirque de Soleil poster 48) Cirque de soleil poster 49) Les Grands Ballet (Metro Poster) 50) Bell Centre 51) Cheryl Nye singing anthems (me) 52) Montreal Canadiens (Photo snapped from Pepsi Forum wall) 53) Patrick Roy w/ Stanley Cup (Photo from Bell Centre gift shop) 54) City from Mt. Royal Chalet 55) Circuit Gilles Villeneuve Race track 56) Old Port/Amphi-tours 57) City Hall 58) View from Ile St. Héléne bike path 59) Squirrel friend 60) Ile St. Héléne 61) Cross (Mt. Royal) 62) Olgilvy's 63) The Gazette 64) Montreal Museum Of Fine Arts 65) St. Phillips Square 66) Olympic Stadium 67) Olympic Stadium 68) Cheryl Nye (anthems for Expos at Olympic Stadium) 69) Biosphere 70) Seputo Stadium 71) Percival-Molson Stadium 72) Metro Sign (Victoria Square) 73) Place des Arts metro station 74) McGill Metro 75) 162 bus 76) AMT commuter train 77) Windsor Station 78) World Trade Centre 79) SunLife Building 80) St. James Hotel (Old Montreal) 81) McGill College Ave. 82) Crescent St. 83) Les Cours Mont-Royal 84) Guarateed Nilk sign 85) Salle Wilfred Pelletier (Place des Arts) 86) Musée D'Art Contemporain 87) Montreal West Cenetaph 88) Beaver Lake Chalet/Lac des Castors 89) St. Paul St. (oldest street in Montreal) 90) City view from Mt. Royal Chalet 91) Cheryl Nye CD which contains this video's song.
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P.O. Box 55061

Montreal CP Belmore, Quebec

H4V 0A1


Thank you very much for visiting! I appreciate all your kind support very much! Come and visit again! :) xo

Cheryl Nye Store


Cheryl est une chanteuse-auteur-compositeur Montréalaise avec les citoyennetés canadienne et américaine. Ses racines remontent à plus de 220 ans à Montréal (de son côté d'origine irlandaise de son pére, et cote d’origine Hongroise de sa mére.) 

Elle a obtenu son baccalauréat en musique ( B. F. A ) voix et piano ). Elle a écrit plus de 200 chansons ( paroles et musique ). Cheryl a chanté dans de nombreuses émissions de télévision et a été interviewée sur plusieurs réseaux de radio. Elle a été co-animatrice invitée dans des émissions de radios internationales sur Internet. Cheryl a chanté dans de nombreux spectacles à Las Vegas tel que "Sam's Town Live" ( de "Sam's town Live" NASCAR RACING renommée ). Elle a chanté dans de nombreux endroits dans l'état de New York et à Montréal. Cheryl a trois C.D. actuellement sur le marché intitulés "Eyes Of A Stranger" ( en trois langues), "With Goodbyes", et le nouveau, "I Surrender To My Heart".

Ses réalisations récentes (points forts) incluent:

Cheryl a été vue sur un panneau d'affichage à Times Square (NY) pendant 5 an

Cheryl a vu ses chansons atteindre la première place  (#1), 31 fois sur les radios Internet.


La gagnante du “Artiste féminine émergente internationale”- D’OR- 2024 (ISSA internationale 2024). A un gala tapis rouge au Atlanta, Géorgie (le 24 aout, 2024). Cheryl a également été nominée pour le prix de “l'Auteure-compositrice de l’année Internationale" et de la “Chanteuse de l’année Internationale”.

La gagnante du “Chanteuse internationale de l’année” -bronze 2023 (ISSA internationale 2023) A un tapis rouge au Atlanta, Géorgie. Cheryl a également été nominée pour le prix de “l'Auteure-compositrice de l’année Internationale”. 

La gagnante du “Chanteuse internationale de l’année” argent 2022 (ISSA internationale 2022) A un tapis rouge au Atlanta, Géorgie. Cheryl a également été nominée pour le prix de l'Auteure-compositrice de l'année Internationale”.

La gagnante du “Chanteuse internationale de l’année”- bronze 2020 (ISSA internationale) A un tapis rouge au Atlanta, Géorgie. Cheryl a également été nominée pour le prix de l'Auteure-compositrice de l’année Internationale”,“Rising Star féminine Internationale” et “Vidéo féminine de l’année internationale”.

La gagnante du “Compositeur féminin de l’année" Internationale (ISSA Internationale 2019) bronze—A un gala tapis rouge au Atlanta,Géorgie. (le 3 août, 2019). Elle a également été nominée pour le prix de “Chanteuse de l’année Internationale”et “Rising Star Féminine de l’année.”

La Gagnante de "Meilleur Pop Artiste de la Mois”(3 iéme) (aout, 2019)

La Gagnante de “Artiste de l’année 2017" de New Visions Radio Network (N.Y.,USA).

La Gagnante de "Akademia Music Award" pour la meilleure chanson pop/acoustique. ( février 2015, Beverly Hills, Californie) pour la chanson qu'elle a composée et interprétée intitulée "Eyes Of A Stranger".

#1 Chanson de L'Année (Loop Radio, R.U) (Dec.28th, 2014) "Eyes Of A Stranger”(tied)#1 Album/Artiste “ Eyes Of A Stranger” depuis presque 4 ans sur la charte "Reverbnation" de Montréal, pour la catégorie pop/autres. (2012 - 2016).

#1 Chanson de La Semaine (Loop Radio, R.U.) (le 27 avril 2014) "Eyes Of A Stranger"

#1 Chanson de La Semaine (Loop Radio, R.U.) (le 11 mai 2014) "Eyes Of A Stranger"

#1 Chanson de la Semaine (Loop Radio, R.U.) (le 25 mai , 2014) "Eyes Of A Stranger""Artiste de La Semaine" (Loop Radio (R.U.) (juin 2014) "Artiste du Mois" (Loop Radio UK) ( juillet 2014)“Artist du Mois” (SplashRadio, Londres, Angleterre) (décembre

#1 Album pendant 3 semaines WRVU-Nashville (hôte Ken Berryhill) 2001

#2 les plus souvent demandées “Chanson de La Semaine” sur Fame Music Radio (Johannesburg, Afrique de Sud/Los Angeles.) (Semaine du 17iéme janvier 2015 et 12 février 2015)

“Featured Artist “ (SplashRadio (U.R.) Londres, Janvier 2016

Top 10 Chanson dans la catégorie "Latin" (Ourstage/ concours é-u) pour sa chanson "La Manera Que Necesito Que Me Ames".

#4 dans la catégorie “ Instrumentale “ (Ourstage/concours des é.-u.) pour sa chanson  “Ode To A Heart” (2008).........

Cheryl a chanté les hymnes nationales pour Les Expos de Montréal (7 fois), Les Canadiens de Montréal (NHL), l'Impact de Montréal (2 Home Openers), Les BlueJays de Toronto, Ottawa RoughRiders, Jazz De Montréal. Elle a également été un juge International songwriting pour SOWI (Songwriters Of Wisconsin International) depuis quinze ans.

Cheryl Nye est répertorié dans la:

-International “Who’s Who In Music”-Volume 2: Musique Populaire" (1999-2016) 

“World Who’s Who Of Women” (2012)-“2000 Most Accomplished Musicians of 20th Century” (2004) -

“The Blue Book” (Cambridge, Angleterre) - (trouvé dans la bibliothèque du Congrès à Washington D.C.)

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